Marriage Monday: “Protecting the Protector” Edition
How do you protect the strongest person in your life?
The very person that has surrounded you with loving protection at every moment, since the day you met? How do you protect the one that has seen more than your eyes could bare and your heart could handle?
For 15 years I’ve walked beside Papa. Within that time, I’ve learned that as invincible as he may appear, my protector needs protection. Being able to identify when life is weighing him down, activates my ability to protect him.
My protection comes in the form of understanding the man I love. Understanding him so deeply, that I can not only see when he’s hurting but love him enough to give him what he needs at that moment.
Time to decompress and process his emotions. Requiring me to step back physically and step up spiritually.
No need to ask what’s wrong, I cover him in prayer while he sleeps and leaves the door to my physical and emotional comfort open for him to walk through once he’s ready.
Stepping back allows him to process his emotions in a way that fits his ability to cope. Regardless of how I feel about his process, once completed, emerges a healthy, loving husband and father.
My protection is gentle, spiritual, sexual, intimate, peaceful, and loving. It’s everything he needs when life feels heavy.
As strong and courageous as he is, when he crawls into my lap at the end of a day that most couldn’t bare, I am the protector of his mind, body, and spirit.