Three Armed Momster

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Marriage Monday: “This Finger Means Forever” Edition

What was intended to be forever must be protected at all costs.

After 12 years of marriage, I’ve learned to keep my boxing gloves on. Not for Papa, but for those who come for him. For those who come for our union. For those who wish our forever never began and for those who simply deny its existence. 

We live in a world that says, healthy marriage in our communities doesn’t exist, is not worthy of acknowledgment, and is essentially meaningless. 

The last thing this world wants to see is a thriving union in the African American community. The strength within the black family is a threat to all who have worked to destroy it. 

What better way to build up my community, one home at a time, starting with my own. Showing my children how powerful and accomplished two beings can be when they love and respect one another, just as my parents showed me. 

We are not perfect, but our imperfections aren’t for this world to judge. It’s through our imperfections that we continue to evolve into greatness. It’s through our imperfections that we continue to have compassion for one another and in return we are compassionate with those around us. Our imperfections are here to remind us, that without Christ in the center of our marriage, we would never make it. 

But through our imperfections, we are able to show the world that black love perseveres. Black love is powerful. Black love can heal. Black love is beautiful. 

Papa and I have been through hell, but anything worth having is worth fighting for. 

This finger means forever and I give it freely to those who think otherwise.